Marco Sforza
I grew up in a family form Emilia with the ancient passion of dancing and singing and I was fascinated by the stories told by old people; the need of knowing and inventing stories, novels, fables… took me, during the years of my reckless adolescence, to discover a lonely and mystic way in putting in music my words, creating then, unexpectedly, small and humble songs. Marco Sforza: voice, guitar and piano


Alberto Cantone
Albeto Cantone is now considered one of the most important songwriters of theTreviso area: one of his songs is included in the collection “Liocorno – note d’autore” with some big name Italian songwriters (Claudio Lolli, Gualtiero Bertelli, the Gang, Goran Kuzminac…). Cantone is co-author of the song, recorded with the rodigian group Marmaja and winner in Livorno of the “Piero Ciampi” Prize 2004. 2005 sees the realease of the cd “Angeli Ribelli”, presented all over Italy with a national tour. This year, in June, he has presented his last work “C’era un sogno per cappello” (explicit tribute to the title of Oliver Sack’s book, who was a dreamer writer and neurologist).


Ephemeris are: Sara (voice), Antonio (guitars), Davide (bass), Stefano (drums), Ambra (piano) and Giulia (violin). Every component’s musical backgruond is various and it goes from progressive rock to classic, folk, acoustic, metal music.The objective is to create a hybrid style that mixes and reunites all this genres. The result takes shape in a modern crossover structure that varies from distorted sound’s power to the most relaxing atmosphere of the acoustic dimension.


Massimo Francescon
He has always had, since he was a child, the passion for music and poetry. He grows up among Fabrizio De Andrè’s, Rino Gaetano’s and all other big Italian songwriters’ songs. His compositions, even if from such a base like this, detect blues, jazz and folk influences. In this special occasion Michele Piano on the piano.


Gord the Rogue
Electronic artist who, after classical studies has been fascinated by computerized and synth composition. Taking his cue from a recent workshop with Nicholas Collins, the most important circuit bender (circuit bending consists in changing little radios’ and battery toys’ circuits) will perform an electric-acoustic live set, trying to bring the noise to enveloping and atmospheric sounds, almost changing the place’s environment too.


PG + Stefano Maroelli
Writing Pierluigi Slis experimentations evolution lettering PG essence sign protagonist technical work concept essentiality minimalism research feel image fantasy compare happy pretext deep man contemporaries
Passion sound emotion Stefano colour Maroelli noise noise noise


Icio Caravita
I come from a small village near Ferrara, where I was born and where, when I was a boy, I attended the music conservatory. I began doing many jobs and gave up many stories for my head was in music, that was always with me to help my soul surviving. I play and sing joys, wishes, dreams and every-day difficulties, common to many, with the immediacy and the simplicity that, I feel, are the most natural ingredient, the right and true clothe to wear. Like this it goes, with a guitar,a mouth organ and a tambourine.


InControLuce’s music is never boring, nor banally frivolous, it sees things from unusual points of view, like in controluce. The four remarkable components are influenced by USA’s rock, as jazz and folk evocations are recognizable and appreciable, sometimes carefully mixed with peaks of anger lo-fi and with steps inspired by our national independent rock. Alberto Ceschin (guitar and voice), Francesco Vettorello (bass), Andrea Botteon (guitar), Marco Poser (drums).


Nino di Cara
Since I was a baby have been dreaming about letting imagination run free. This led me to writing novels, imaginary characters’ stories, on the border between the real world and the dream world. Every character of my songs is the result of my imagination but at the same time it mirrors a real person. The way I do from the image in my mind and the told description in verses is the thing that makes me complete and free. Antonino di Cara (voice and guitar), Enrico De Luca (guitar), Michel Zanette (fisarmonica).


They are a quartet in which guitar, keyboard, drums, violin interact creating a sound that is characterized by acoustic sounds mixed with electronic effects and in which the lyrics, mainly written in Italian, are weaved with the instrumental component becoming an integral part of it. Their genre switches original expression modules, indeed, it doesn’t exclude already experimented ways, with blues, rock and Italian songwriters’ song motives. From these genres they draw inspiration without loosing personality and falling in the something banal.


Giorgio Barbarotta
Singer, composer and writer, after a rock experience with the band Quarto Profilo with which he records 4 albums, Giorgio Barbarotta publishes as solo album in 2005, the CD “Schegge (di vita propria)”, 1500 copies sold at concerts only; with this album he wins the Independent Music Festival “Musicalbox” in Urbino, the Best Music award at the Author’s Song Festival in Due Carrare (PD) and participates at the Italian Culture Week in Bosnia-Erzegovina. After several national acknowledgements for his literary activity, he publishes in 2007 “Tra le pieghe del giorno” (Vianello Libri), collection of 105 poems and 9 stories. His new album is expected in summer 2008 made up of unpublished songs.


Manodopera propose a repertoire played between ska, tango, Balkan and Latin music. Up and coming musicians of the Veneto area, they’re born in 1999, at the hands of Gianluca Nuti (guitar, voice) and Mauro Gatto (drums, percussions), in collaboration with Fabio Mion (accordion, voice), all of them attracted by the common passion for cultures that are usually considered “minor”. What they propose is a modern reevaluation of popular music, Italian or otherwise, with a personal style. A mix of sounds that goes from Balkans to the Caribbean based on rhythmic bases. Manodopera have performed in most charming national music context, as “Ferrara busker festival”, in radio programmes such as “Caterpillar” – Radio2 and TV programmes such as “Follie rotolanti tour” – Rai2. Their first album is “Terratradita”, produced by the independent company Upr Folkrock, one of the mostimportant in the underground Italian scene. Their last work “Op-là” has been realeased in 2007. Gianluca Nuti (voice, guitar, music’s and texts’ author), Mauro Gatto (drums), Fabio Mion (accordion), Tiziano Melchiori (percussions), Stefano Andreatta (bass), Mario Vendramini (sax), Mario Zivas (trumpet), Paolo Berton (trombone).