“Even though they’re alive, they get hammered away at with prestigious retrospectives since 1998”

Text by Flavia Mastrella e Antonio Rezza

For twenty years, the bond between Flavia Mastrella and Antonio Rezza has been giving shape to theatrical events, full-lenght and short films, TV shows, performances and migrating sets. Mastrella, endowed with plastic fantasy, have also been displaying sculptures, videosculptures both across Italy and abroad.



by Flavia Mastrella e Antonio Rezza

– SUPPIETJI 1990 VHS b/n 12’
– DEBORAH – 1990 VHS b/n
– LA BEATA MANCATA 1991 VHS b/n 30”
– L’ORRORE DI VIVERE 1993 Hi8 colore 3’
– DE CIVITA REI 1994 Hi8 b/n 28’
– IL PIANTONE 1994 Hi8 b/n 14’
– SCHIZZOPATIA 1995 Hi8 b/n 12’
– ZERO A ZERO 1997 Hi8 b/n 2’30”
– HAI MANGIATO? 1997 Hi8 b/n 3’
– VIRUS 1997 Hi8 b/n 3’
– PORTE 1997 DV b/n 2’
– NELL’ALDILA’ 2008 DV colore 9’



Antifilm a corpo morto
Conceived and realized (in every detail) by Flavia Mastrella Antonio Rezza

On the River Po, in waters and boundless nature, three men kill a collaborator of Police Commissioner Dangelo who, immediately, starts the inquiry.
“Murder on the River Po” is a work that absolutely denies the use of a screenplay. When a scene was missing, we simply changed clothes and shot it immediately and then edited it in while still dressed as the characters. And it was not the authors who did the editing but those same characters of whom the authors lost control.
The detective story branches out into microstories influenced by the daily reality of the characters. Every fragment of story is separated by 5 seconds of blackness; the fragments represent individual events lasting different lengths of time, linked by the blackness to form an articulated story. The black stills cover 15% of the film, while the black tape covers 35% of the image. Considering that the film is made up of images we can claim that the tape covers 35% of the events and, added to the 15% of the black stills, we are able to reach a total net black of 50% .
Adding to the net black the gross black of the cinema-house and the black total of the cost of the ticket we obtain the internal black product brought along by the audience. In all the cinemas.


“We had our first experiences in communication at the “Il Fotogramma art gallery” in Rome, and other showrooms scattered across Italy. Then we committed ourselves in finding the perfect one, we explored places (small-town realities, roads, ancient cabaret clubs, bookstores, museums, off-theaters) and disciplines designed for mass communication…. Our style of delivery is fed by cinema, literature, art and lust for motion. A feverish rotation of disciplines allow us to avoid a sedentary kind of reality and, most of all, prevent us from getting swamped in ideas, sending us to mythical dimension of the Ideal”.


the play
PITECUS tells the stories of many characters, who come and go in a messy microcosm: shreds of reality follows one after another without a leading thread, sublime wickednesses turn touchy subjects into funny ones. There’s no positive rappresentation, everyone is content, everyone feels like a victim, everyone buys his feelings and dignity.
The characters are ugly, both somatically and internally. They’re filled with lack of views and wallow in anonimity, but thanks to their narcisism they think they’re original, contemporary and, worst of all, avanguardist. They speak in a mixed-dialect, they’re colorful, they move nervously and, through acting, their shapes become caricatural, almost cartoon-like.

Un programma di Flavia Mastrella e Antonio Rezza
Condotto e galoppato da Antonio Rezza
Regia Antonio Rezza e Flavia Mastrella

We were surprised by the results of our own operation. The interviewees, who lived and moved in ordinary spaces (train stations, racecourses, cemeteries), gave sincerely unordinary quesions to our answers.

a special selection of KIMUAK

KIMUAK (“shoot”, in Basque language) is a programme born in 1998 and organised by Basque Government (Northern Spain) whose aim is the diffusion, promotion and distribution of Basque short films all around the world.
In the Basque Country, there were some helps to the production of short films, but there was not any contribute for promotion and diffusion. KIMUAK went to cover this hole. In a few words, KIMUAK programme works as follows.
Every year, the Culture Department of Basque Government calls the Basque short filmmakers to present their works for KIMUAK, and some of them are selected to take part in the programme.
Since its beginning in 1998, KIMUAK changed a lot and became one of the more successful programmes of diffusion of short films in the world. KIMUAK has been present twice at the Academy Awards Ceremony in Los Angeles, their films have been awarded at some of the most important festivals in the world (Cannes, Clermont-Ferrand, Aspen, Méliès d’Or, Gijón, Sitges…); they have won the Goya award in Spain, and have been nominated several times to this prize; selected in plenty of festivals in Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Australia…
KIMUAK has a very good health.
In a few words, this is KIMUAK. And I hope it will continue improving and trying to make this wonderful world of filmmaking a little bit better, and being a bridge to communicate between them different places, different languages, different countries, different worlds. If we get this goal any time, our work will make sense.


Txema Muñoz
Charged of KIMUAK programme


During the nine days of festival, the Lago Film Fest is going to propose a selection of the best works/productions of the last 10 years, TARGATE by KIMUAK.
A journey through different realities, styles, PAESAGGI CINEMATOGRAFICI and (surprising author’s identities).


The selection
Pregunta por mí – Begoña Vicario – 1996 – 4’ – animation
Haragia – Begoña Vicario – 1999 – 11’ – fiction
Topeka – Asier Altuna – 2002 – 3’ – fiction
7:35 De la mañana – Guillermo Llaguno – 2003 – 8’ – fiction
Amuak – Koldo Almandoz – 2004 – 9’ – fiction
La gallina ciega – Isabel Herguera – 2005 – 7’ – animation
Cirugía – Alberto González Vázquez – 2006 – 2’ – animation
Máquina – Gabe Ibáñez – 2006 – 16’, fiction
Hezurbeltzak, una fosa común – Izibene Oñederra – 2007 – 4’ – animation
Tras los visillos – Gregorio Muro, Raúl López – 2008 – 16’ – fiction
On the line – Jon Garaño – 2008 – 12’ – fiction

CSC – Centro sperimentale di cinematografia – Roma
CSC production is the production company of Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, the italian school of cinema that trains and trained talented professionals and artisti of over 70 years. Our job is to produce students films and to support graduates’ start-up also in coproduction with other companies. Moreover we encourage our alumni in the development of new projects; CSC coproduce feature films, shorts and documentaries also with backing of sponsorship and institutions and/or local authorities giving alumni a special support for their first feature. CSC production promotes students’ and alumni films in national and international festivals, providinf theatrical, television and web distribution.


The selection
– La seconda famiglia di Alberto Dall’Aria – 2009 – 26’
– Avevamo vent’anni di Ivan Silvestrini – 2009 – 30’
– L’occasione di Alessandro Capitani – 2009 – 29’
– Dimmi cosa vedi di Dario Jurilli – 2009 – 26’


Having brilliantly overcome the psychological barrier of their tenth year of life, Lucania Film Festival, organized by Allelammie association, launches a new organizational and artstic “era”for the upcoming editions, starting from the eleventh one, planned for august 2010 in Pisticci (Mt). By now, it is safe to say Lucania Film Fesival is one of the most followed and long-lived short film festival in the international landscape, and also an important landmark, in southern Italy, for cultural reflections on the state of Cinema, on world emergencies or plain shards of quotidianity.
10/13 agosto 2010 Pisticci -MT-


The selection
– Nero / Christopher Kezelov / Australia / 13 mins
– L’homme qui dort / Ires Sedan / France/ 12 mins
– Next Floor / Denis Villeneuve / 12 mins
– Dance Macabre / Pedro Pires / Canada / 8 mins
– Vacsora / Karchi Perlmann / Hungary / 26 mins


Milano Film Festival

Milano Film Festival is an international film festival that brings to Milan, in September, the best of independent productions from all over the world.
In fourteen years, it has grown to acquire unanimous acknowledgement in the world of cinema, thanks to the research that allowed to discover and launch young authors now celebrated by international critics.
Milano Film Festival is open to different cultural forms, from music to video, from news to literature and it wants to make them enjoyable by a wide, international audience.
For its fifteenth edition, which will be held this year from September 10th to September 19th, Milano Film Festival underlines its will to discover by showing in the Feature Film Competition, as a national première, first and second works by young directors from all over the world.
Both Feature and Short Film Competitions are the result of a thorough research in collaboration with the major international film festivals (Berlin, Rotterdam, Cannes), film schools and distributions from all over the world.


The selection
HOTEL TUBU, di Igor e Ivan Buharov, Ungheria, 2002, 4’
PATTY, SHORT FILM IN PERVERSES, di Matej Lavrenic, Roman Razman, Slovacchia, 2007, 4’
AT DAWNING, di Martin Jones, Gran Bretagna, 2002, 12’
GALETTEN, di John Hellberg, Svezia, 2008, 22’
GRAVITY, di Nicolas Provost, Belgio, 2007, 6’

Polyglot – on the way to Turku

NISI MASA is organising a new online video contest. Young Europeans (aged 18-35) are given the chance to submit short films expressing how they feel about multilingualism. 18 winners will participate in the Cine-Boat filmmaking workshop, taking place in Turku (Finland) in June 2011. Submissions now open! Deadline 31st December 2010. Visit www.polyglot-turku.eu for more information.
POLYGLOT is supported by the Turku 2011 European Capital of Culture
www.nisimasa.com / www.turku2011.fi


The selection
Furniture di Melissa Suarez del Real
Tourist di Matej Subieta
Whispering in a friend’s mouth di Hannaleena Hauru
Rita di Antonio Piazza
Stanka goes home di Maya Vitkova

Zooppa is the global social network for creative talent in advertising and communication. Zooppa partners with companies to bring community members opportunities to create videos and graphic ads for leading brands, and to obtain money prizes. Companies develop a creative brief describing their brand’s attributes, the objectives and the message of the campaign. Community members are then invited to create their own works in various formats. For example, producing a viral video, designing an animated sequence, creating a print ad, even writing scripts or concepts for potential ads and commercials. Members upload their contents and share. Zooppa awards cash prizes to the creators of the best ads, awarded by the brands themselves. Additional prizes are also awarded by the community. Zooppa plays an important role as an intermediary between the creators of content and companies. Zooppa was founded in 2007 near Venice, Italy and was launched in the U.S. in December 2008. Now is in Brazil too. Zooppa is housed by the technological incubator H-farm, a center for research and innovation focused on the fields of new media.
Between Lago Film Fest and Zooppa begin a collaborarion which put inrelationship communitivy creatives and the festival. During the nine days of the festival there will be the possibility to attend the screenings of a web-spot selection, and there will be a special metion to the best film.
Zooppa selection
Negroni, killer-drink, Antonio Monti, 45”, 2008
Welcome to Hotel California, Antonio Monti, 44”, 2008
Le regole sono cambiate, Mirko Rispoli, 17”, 2007
Universal Talking , Mirko Rispoli, 30”, 2009
A small gesture for a better world, Adriano Di Mofetta, 37”, 2010
Mika chi è , Mimmo Arcieri, 60”, 2009
World wide wow , Elena Da Ros, 60”, 2009
Peace and love in one clik , Idli, 23”, 2008
Una storia / a story – I love internet, Valerio Masotti, 60”, 2009
Un piccolo grande trasporto , Nicola Romano, 41”, 2009



The association Fumetti in TV collaborates with Lago Film Fest in years, proposing projects between cinema and comics. For the edition 2010 it presents on the lake shore the short film “Nuvole Bianche Nuvole Nere” (White Cluods Black Clouds) realized by Daniele Carli on the screenplay of Alessandro Giordano and of the cartoonist Alberto Dabrilli, who drew obviously all the drawings of the short film of animation. The theme is the pollution, and it’s supported by several municipalities: 5 minutes and 15 seconds of intense poetry, clear eyes and unconventional approach.
Fumetti in TV is a cultural association not-for-profit which has as objective the promotion of the author comics in the Veneto Region thorough events and the annual appointment in Treviso. It’s operated since 2005. From 2009 the exhibition became a festival: TREVISO COMIC BOOK FESTIVAL. It’s the festival of the comics of Treviso city, the festival proposes each year at least 10 exhibitions in several location of the city, a fair with happenings and meetings with the authors. The numbers of last edition: 7000 visitors, 45 exhibitors, 40 authors, 10 exhibitions, 6 presentations of books.

Italy 2010
Runtime 73’
based on an idea by Mirco Melanco
Editors, directors Emiliano Dalle Mole, Matteo Manzi, Francesca Marra
This documentary set in Padua – and Belluno, Vicenza, Verona, Venice and Zurich –
portrays a hypothetical day seen from a number of “cine-eyes”, the eyes of over 50 students. The cameramen shoot daily life scenes depicting their different aspects that range from working life to leisure. With an innovative shooting style defined by multiple viewpoints and special framing of everyday places, you get new meanings and perspectives of everyday habits and gestures. Different images intertwine for about 73 minutes, with no actors, but subjects portrayed in their natural, spontaneous living’. The film opens in a totally empty movie theater. The audience, from that moment on, is engaged in an ongoing meta-cinematic game.
imno is a section of the competition that constists of  fifteen documentaries and short-films on “freshwater”, considered from an environmental, anthropological and cultural perspective. On the one hand it aims at redeeming the documentary from its educational purpose and on the other hand, Limno aspires to make people aware of water environment, of the life forms that live in it and the people that buzz around it.
Not only is Limno a section of the competition, then, it is also a larger project, made of meetings, excursions, tastings, a window on contemporary art and a workshop for ten university students to investigate and to tell about Revine Lakes and the people who live them.