Viv Li

Lago Film_Residency 2023

Project selected for Lago Film Residency:
The Two Mountains Weighing Down My Chest
in editing stage

Viv Li is a Chinese filmmaker, writer and comedian living in Berlin. She is a Berlinale talent, a Sundance Scholar, an IDFA alumnus, a Nipkow Scholar, a Logan Scholar, and an Erasmus Mundus Scholar. Viv holds a master’s degree in documentary filmmaking from DocNomads and a bachelor’s degree in dramaturgy from the University of Manchester. Before directing films, she was a stand-up comedian and gained extensive industry experience working with Vogue, HBO, Fashion One and independent productions.
Over the past 10 years, Viv has lived in various countries in Europe, South America, and Asia, which has allowed her to gain a unique perspective as a Chinese artist. Her most recent film, I DON’T FEEL AT ANYWHERE ANYMORE received a special mention at IDFA and 7 other international awards. Her other short film, ALL OUR NIGHTS, was nominated for the Silver Eye Award from the Institute of Documentary. Viv is currently working on her first documentary film.